Your Dedicated Agency for Amazon Marketing & Advertising

An excellent Amazon marketing agency is one that takes a holistic approach, prioritizes industry best practices, demonstrates a deep understanding of your target audience, and is committed to delivering a positive return on your investment.

Marketing Campaign for Amazon Sellers & Vendors

As an experienced Amazon marketing agency, we commence our process by thoroughly analyzing your existing campaigns and establishing industry best practices, with a specific focus on reducing your Total Advertising Cost of Sale (TACoS). Our priority then shifts towards refining your campaigns and maximizing your return on investment. A tailored marketing campaign designed specifically for Amazon ensures that you receive optimal value, successfully connects with your target market, and is consistently refined and improved. Our comprehensive approach allows us to view the bigger picture, act with intention, and effectively measure results.

Start Earning 3x More a Month Selling on Amazon with our unique Action Plan for Amazon sellers & vendors

A Scale Whales Marketing Campaign for Amazon Sellers is Exhibiting Value of Your Brand and Products

The essence of any successful product lies in the value it provides. Is your Amazon product effectively communicating its message? Are your product images subpar? Are your customer reviews being promptly responded to and are they positive? These factors, among others, directly impact the perceived value of your products and ultimately determine the number of purchases made. In today’s digital age, providing value-added content that educates, assists, and serves the needs of your customers is critical to building a loyal user base. In an increasingly competitive Amazon marketplace, an effective Amazon marketing campaign delivers value to its customers. A reputable Amazon marketing agency cultivates a strong relationship with you, earns your trust, showcases your expertise, communicates the benefits of your product, and sets your brand apart from the noise.

  • Build’s Crediblity
  • Highlights Benefits
  • Educates Your Consumers
  • Elevates Your Brand Above the Noise

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Best practices

Marketing Agency

10+ years of experience

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Positioning of the product
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Marketing Strategy

A Scale Whales Marketing Campaign for Amazon Sellers is Holistic

Your Amazon presence is not limited to simply promoting your products with a “BUY-BUY-BUY” approach. It is essential to take a comprehensive view of your products, their positioning in the market, and competition. Through a holistic analysis of the entire product category, new opportunities can emerge that can greatly enhance your performance on Amazon. A successful marketing strategy entails much more than just optimizing product listings, conducting keyword research, and soliciting reviews. It involves optimizing how all of these elements work together in order to achieve your goals.

  • Understands Macro Trends
  • Optimizes Product Page
  • Improves Performance
  • Identifies New Opportunities

A Scale Whales Marketing Campaign for Amazon Sellers & Vendors Is Actively Refined

In addition to providing value, optimizing product positioning, and connecting with the right audience, reviewing and refining your campaigns is equally important. A robust marketing strategy and campaign consistently assess the subtle indicators of your campaign’s performance and works to improve upon them. By closely monitoring key metrics such as click-through rate, number of purchases, user behavior, number of reviews, TACoS, and many other factors, a skilled marketing agency will ensure that your campaigns are delivering the best possible return on investment. We regularly review these results with our clients and work collaboratively to develop plans to optimize and enhance their campaigns.

  • Analyzed
  • Conversion Optimized
  • Iterated Upon
  • Increased Monthly Sales
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Advertising Сompanies

Building a strong marketing strategy

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Efficiency Analysis

Analysing campaign performance indicators and improving them.

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Maximizing Return on Investment

Achieving the customer’s desired performance

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eCommerce Marketing

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Marketing for Amazon

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Consulting for Amazon

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Management for Amazon PPC

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